Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to know about statistics to use EasyMedStat?

    No. EasyMedStat was designed for non-statisticians. 

    All the difficult parts are automatized. So you only have to focus on your clinical questions. 

    You ask if there is a link between the age of the patients and the risk of death. EasyMedStat automatically chooses the most appropriate statistical test.

  • Can I import an Excel file?


    You can import an Excel file, a CSV file or an ODS file and your statistics will be generated automatically.

  • Can I export my data?

    Yes, your data can be easily exported in CSV in 2 clicks.

  • Can I collaborate with teammates?

    Yes, every series of patients can be shared with colleagues. This allows to work conjointly on the same database and to ensure that your data is always up-to-date. 

    Do not bother anymore with Excel files and email sharing.

  • Can I publish scientific articles using EasyMedStat?

    Absolutely. And you will publish even faster than you could do with any other solution.

    EasyMedStat performs statistics but also generates texts to be included in your "Methods" and "Results" section, and high-definition (600 dpi) charts, as recommended by journals.

  • Do you have student and academic offers?

    Yes, we offer a special price for academic usage and students.

  • How is it different from other statistical softwares?

    EasyMedStat is very different for 2 mains reasons:

    1. You do not need to choose the statistical test you want to do. The whole process is automatized thanks to our technology.
    2. You can collect data with other colleagues and work on the same database. This ensures that your statistical analysis is always performed on the most up-to-date set of data.

    You can learn more about the specific differences between Graphpad and EasyMedStat.

  • Can I perform a survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier)?


    EasyMedStat can generate professional Kaplan-Meier survival curves and calculate survival at any time.

    You can also compare survivals between different groups of patients very easily.

  • Can I perform a multivariable analysis?

    Yes, EasyMedStat is the only solution to offer an easy-to-use tool to perform multivariable regression.

    Just pick the variable you want to explain and the variables that you think are predictive factors and you're done!

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"In one word: simplicity. I could prepare my medicine thesis without a statistician and the article has already been submitted!"

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