Chi-Squared χ2 Test Online Calculator

Perform a chi-squared test and generate appropriate charts
Start Your Chi-Squared Test Now

A better way to perform your statistics

Should I use a chi-squared test?

EasyMedStat automatically checks that your data is appropriate for a Chi-squared test. If not, it will perform a more appropriate test, such as Fisher's exact test.

Automated calculations

When using EasyMedStat, all the calculations will be performed automatically including the p-value, the odds-ratio and its 95% confidence interval, if appropriate.

What to write in my article?

In addition to the automated calculations, you will be provided with two texts to insert directly into your article: one for the methods section and one for the results section describing exactly the result of your test and the statistical methods used.

What is a chi-squared test?

The Pearson chi-squared test is a frequently used test in clinical research. It studies whether or not there is a statistical association between two variables. For example, it may find whether or not gender is associated with cardiovascular disease. The variables to be tested must be categorical.

Is a chi-squared test the same as Fisher’s exact test?

Both tests are used to find an association between two variables and are very frequently used in medical studies. However, their calculation methods are completely different. Due to its parametric nature, a Chi-squared test cannot be used in every circumstance. When using EasyMedStat, the most appropriate test will be chosen for you automatically, according to your data, so you do not have to worry if you can use the test or not. EasyMedStat does all the work for you.

Discover other statistical tests you can perform using EasyMedStat

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